Sunday, February 28, 2010

Show pony

Does every dog prance like a show pony in the ring?  My Finch does and it makes me laugh like nothing else.  The Finch doesn't save prancing for special occasions, but rather he likes to infuse it in routine tasks and activities.  Greetings at the door---prancing!  Laps around the backyard after doing his business--why not prance?  Playing chase me---HAVE to prance.  And my personal favorite, which is quite the feat of athleticism--prancing at the park, while doing figure eights with a 4-5' stick in his mouth.  CLASSIC.

Why don't we prance joyfully throughout the day?  What's wrong with carrying your head high, enjoying the pure euphoria of the magic of a moment, and giving others a smile and perhaps sparking a little fun in their day?  Absolutely nothing.

Next time you see me, you just might catch me prancing like my favorite show pony--THE FINCH.  Sounds like pure fun...

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