Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blonde, athletic, fun-loving girl wanted

Watching The Finch at the park is one of the most joyous experiences I get in my week.  I must confess I am one of the bad dog owners that actually let’s their dogs off leash in the on leash area, but I just can’t help myself.  The visual of that goofy lug running with his ears flapping in the wind, without a care in the world is simply breath taking.  He is at his best and he is truly beautiful.

Finch isn’t wild and crazy about playing with just any dog, which explains why the off leash area isn’t a favorite spot for us.  He prefers well mannered dogs, that don’t sniff his back end, go after his stick, or jump around like wild things.  He isn’t wild about huskies, rotties, or anything you can carry in a purse or dress up.  My boy has a preferred type.  Female, blonde, 65lbs, of the Labrador Retriever lineage.   When Finch spots a yellow lab it is like nothing else.  Ears perked up, tail high, perfect posture, and then full on throttle to land right in front of that beautiful yellow girl.

Today the most miraculous thing happened.  Finch and I were at the park making our last lap after a great stick retrieving adventure and there SHE was.  I had to do a double take, it looked like HER…same size, coloring, gait, and she looked our way….right toward us.  Finch looked up at me in disbelief and I had to let him off leash.  I was dumbfounded, I was misty, it looked just like HER….our beloved Emma we lost last Spring. 

The encounter was like nothing I have ever experienced.  As Atticus approached HER, a squirrel in a tree caught his eye, so he stopped for a couple of jumps.  I watched HER run toward a woman with another yellow lab.  I turned to look back at Atticus and then turned to marvel at HER and SHE was gone.  I kid you not, SHE was nowhere to be seen.   We scanned the park, cars, side streets, owners holding leashes and no one had seen HER.  Both of us looking and searching, and yet SHE had vanished into thin air.

The experience still makes me misty and takes my breath away.  I so wish my wife had been there to see it.  Had our boy not been so attracted to those yellow’s we might have missed HER….come and see us again soon Emmy…. 

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Space Issues

I heard it from the distance, faint but familiar and so did The Finch.  Before I could turn up the music to drown the sound, Finch had sailed off the bed in full on attack mode.  IT was in the backyard...

Atticus has had a few nemesis throughout his almost 9 years on this earth.  Maxwell, the beloved hound of our next door neighbors.  Sierra the darling black dog down the street, who belongs to one of Ann's favorite pals.  But, nothing, I mean nothing compares to his deep hatred for the hound on the other side of the backyard fence.  Thankfully enough this hound doesn't live there full time, but when he/she is there....god help us all....

I am not sure when the fence fighting first began, but I do seem to remember our dear sweet Emma was an part of the original fun bunch.  I can't say as I blame them, the yipping style bark of IT is shrill, persistent, and gets on my last nerve.  I have seen this dog through the fence once, it is the size of one of Finch's stuffed animals.  And, I think Finch knows it too...

There is a sick enjoyment I get opening the back door and telling Atticus to 'go get 'em'.  Watching my boy guard his turf, with his oversized jolly ball hanging out of his mouth....shaking it like he would a squirrel (if he ever caught one--sorry Goat) is a RIOT.  He is MAD!  Darn stinkin' MAD!

I know my boy has space issues.  He doesn't like small spaces and guards all of HIS spaces with great passion.  But, is there really anything wrong with that?  Respecting space, that which belongs to us and those which belong to others?  Who would have thought sound advice could come from a mud eating Finch?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Just breathe...

Have you ever seen a dog entertain himself for hours?  Just by breathing?  When Atticus was a puppy he used to pick up his empty food dish, set it in front of himself and breathe into it.  He would push his nose into the far side of the dish and make the funniest 'Darth Vader' style noises.  The boy could entertain himself for an entire evening with just an empty bowl and his nose.  Makes you wonder why I continue to spend a fortune in dog toys doesn't it?

I had forgotten about Atticus' breathing fetish until today.  His plastic food dish was replaced years ago with a metal dish that must not carry the same 'acoustics' as the plastic version.  At some point during the day, feeling guilty about not getting the boy out for a walk (I am a bit hungover) I gave him a special treat.  The treat required you insert it in a plastic toy, which you guessed his snout like a glove.  He spent the better part of the evening breathing into his toy and has now taken it to bed with him.  What a funny guy he is.

I have a rather large decision to make this week.  A decision that is weighing on my mind and heart.  But, my 4 legged therapist has given me some sage advice.  Remember to breathe and trust where the flow guides me...